Brand strategy

You have a high-performance solution that meets the needs of the market, your customers are satisfied, but the market’s response doesn’t live up to your expectations. You’re wondering how to position your brand in relation to the competition.

Stratégie de marque

Brand strategy

You have a high-performance solution that meets the needs of the market, your customers are satisfied, but the market’s response doesn’t live up to your expectations. You’re wondering how to position your brand in relation to the competition.

Stratégie de marque

Do you know what story your brand is telling ? What values does it promote and what is its mission ? We can help you answer these questions by working with you to define your brand platform, the essential tool for structuring your thinking and ensuring the coherence of your communication actions.

Your needs

  • Increase your brand’s visibility and reputation

  • Position your brand and, more broadly, your company in its reference market

  • Reveal your difference in a competitive market and have a more impactful brand that speaks to customers

Our methodology

Carried out using the double diamond method, this process consists of 4 stages :


Analyze the words with which managers and customers talk about the brand


Collective intelligence workshops to explore and diverge on the basis of these 1st language elements


Converge around key words and values to build the brand discourse


Work on the Why of the brand and bring out the mission

Our results

  • A stronger, more visible brand in the marketplace

  • A clear, differentiating message to the market

  • Increased brand awareness

Assistance à maîtrise d'ouvrage

Our results

  • A stronger, more visible brand in the marketplace

  • A clear, differentiating message to the market

  • Increased brand awareness

Do you want your brand to be part of every conversation ?

They trust us

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