Simone’s offers and expertise

We deploy two perfectly complementary areas of expertise for our customers, whether higher education establishments or digital companies: expert knowledge of the academic world and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, combined with recognized expertise in branding and communications issues.

Cabinet de conseil enseignement supérieur S&R Offres

Simone’s offers and expertise

We deploy two perfectly complementary areas of expertise for our customers, whether higher education establishments or digital companies: expert knowledge of the academic world and the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, combined with recognized expertise in branding and communications issues.

An idea of our offers

Due to the diverse nature of our customers and their expectations, we have to develop tailor-made offers.

Nevertheless, after five years working alongside them, we have built up a number of standard offerings that correspond to recurring issues for both higher education establishments and digital companies.

Synergy between offers

We offer two core businesses :

  • Support and strategic consulting for higher education and research establishments
  • Development and implementation of branding and communications strategies, both for specific higher education projects and for digital companies.

The two professions frequently intersect and enrich our missions, making Simone et le Robots a strategic partner for organizations. It also guarantees a vision focused on the impact of our projects on the world of education.


Assistance in Responding to
Call for projects

We offer tailor-made support in structuring your project, drafting your application for a Call for projects, drawing up your budget and choosing your partners.

Cabinet de conseil enseignement supérieur S&R Offres


We carry out qualitatives and/or quantitatives studies to enhance your knowledge of the existing situation. We study project feasibility, implementation scenarios and future impact.

Cabinet de conseil enseignement supérieur S&R Offres


We help you understand the market, the pivotal roles played by socio-economic and institutional actors, diverse sources of financing, and the intricacies of internal organizational structures.

Cabinet de conseil enseignement supérieur S&R Offres


We can assist in defining your brand platform, the essential tool for structuring your thinking and ensuring the coherence of your communication actions.

Cabinet de conseil enseignement supérieur S&R Offres


We’ll help you define your communications strategy and draw up an action plan that respects your different audiences and enhances the value of your brand in its ecosystem.

Cabinet de conseil enseignement supérieur S&R Offres

management assistance

We work closely with your project team to manage its implementation. We interface with project partners, providing strategic advice and operational methods.

Cabinet de conseil enseignement supérieur S&R Offres


Simone is an inspirer of transformation through passion. However, we draw our inspiration from intelligent data. Participating in or speaking at events is fundamental to our thinking, our vision of the knowledge economy and the essential role of public service. Meetings with players from the worlds of education and digital technology are what inspire our daily work.



Robots are very keen on exploration. Studying, mapping, analyzing data, making comparisons, defining strengths and weaknesses in a market or economic eco-system form the basis of their daily missions. Simone et les Robots often go on study trips, and come back richer in the diversity of models and strategies of all the economic players.



We are convinced that everything transforms itself. To adapt to change, to face up to the challenges and issues facing the planet, we are committed to sharing knowledge and providing access to it, particularly through digital means. We use the most innovative methods, such as design thinking and collective intelligence workshops, because transformation happens with our customers, for our customers.

Our methodology


Each assignment begins with a thorough information gathering and rigorous analysis of data and context


We organize meetings and collaborative workshops


We work as a project team, combining the skills and expertise of the Robots, under the direction of Simone.


We present quality deliverables and formulate conclusions and recommendations to ensure the success and positive impact of the assignment.

They trust us

“The innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower”

Steve Jobs
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