Victor Wacrenier
President and co-founder of Appscho
“Our mission at AppScho: support the success of all students through mobile.”
AppScho presents itself as a Mobile Campus for higher education institutions. What are the main advantages of a mobile App’ within a campus today?
Victor Wacrenier: ” The cell phone is an unparalleled lever for inclusiveness in higher education. According to ARCEP’s Digital Barometer 2021, 95% of 18 to 24 year olds have a smartphone, while only 49% own a computer. Putting the entire campus in the student’s pocket through such a widespread medium guarantees access to information for all. It is a strong act in favor of equal opportunity and success for everyone.
Whatever their educational background, status or degree course, students can find all the services they need to manage their studies in just a few clicks: timetable, ECTS credits, dematerialized student card, alerts and information channel… Our mobile campus solution is a powerful tool that allows them to refocus on what matters. Centralizing all the information they need on their favorite tool means creating a digital campus experience in line with their uses and expectations. With digital support, they appear to be more engaged in their studies and their student life. Mobile is a solution to fight against school dropout, since engaged students are less exposed to this phenomenon.”
What features have become essential to make a student’s life easier in your opinion?
Victor W.: “Historically, the most popular features for students were for academic purposes. Checking ECTS credits, accessing your schedule, managing your registration… All this information has become much more accessible thanks to our mobile application solution. However, with the health crisis, we have seen a paradigm shift. Functionalities related to campus life and interaction with students have also become essential. During successive lockdowns, students and institutions needed to stay connected. This is what our applications allowed them to do thanks to the sending of push messages, the setting up of alert and information channels or the access to courses in video directly from a smartphone. Driven by this desire to help institutions create links with their students and better manage their communities, we are launching a new free feature: the news feed. Institutions will be able to share their latest news and exchange directly with their students by posting daily on this new communication channel available in their mobile application. They will also be able to invite their associations and different services to do the same. Through this major evolution of our application, we are concretizing our commitment to place interaction and exchange at the heart of our mobile campus solution.”
What are Appscho’s ambitions for the 2021-2022 school year?
Victor W.: “The start of the 2021 school year marks a turning point for AppScho. With the health crisis, a large number of institutions have realized the relevance of offering a mobile application in order to build strong links with students. As such, we will be working with a growing number of universities that want to offer a mobile campus experience to their students. We are now working with some 15 universities, compared to just two, two years ago. Our teams will be responding to this very high demand, which is proof that the higher education sector has realized that students, who are much more mobile than in the past, want to access their entire campus from their preferred device.